What changes has come over the past years in Bridal makeup?
i have seen in the last 10 years,the past few years have brought about a sudden awareness in the public.they have come to realize that their wedding is an affair which needs to be taken more seriously.and now they realize that if they are spending so much money on it.it must be planned and handle carefully.the best thing is that they are open to suggestion and more willing to try out new ideas and have started trusting the makeup artist,designer etc.more earlier they had set idea of a typical kind of a makeup.now they are ready to experiment as well.they are more daring now,but in the end i would say that a bridal must after look like a bridal no matter how much she is spending on makeup.
Tell us about Bridal on the wedding day?
i would like to say about 40% women have some sense of what is happening ,about 60% are clueless about their personal grooming ,they are also very disorganized and do things in a very haphazard way.i suppose that is because it is their big day and they are mostly very tense.they need to synchronize the various things that are involved in the final get up of a bridal.
Comment on the trend for very light natural makeup for a bridal
i have often said that a bridal must look like a bridal and not look like any other girl who has her makeup done from a saloon and are sitting togather at the same wedding function,if any girl ask me to make her look very natural,i can do that,but it is wrong to ask for a party makeup,light makeup is also very different from party makeup for a bride.if a bridal ask me for a suggestion i will always say that go for completely different looks for the main two days oh the function.